104 – 10180 199B St. Langley, BC V1M 3X8
+1 (604) 881 2411

Privacy Policy


This policy outlines the collection, use and disclosure of employee information when a person applies for work, during their employment and after they leave Pedre Contractors, Ltd.

The terms of this policy are consistent with the requirements of the Personal Information Protection Act of British Columbia and are in conjunction with other Federal and Provincial legislation. This policy may be revised by Pedre Contractors, Ltd. from time to time.


This policy is applicable to all employees of Pedre Contractors, Ltd.

Personal and employment information is collected, used and disclosed for two main purposes:

  • To administer the employment relationship and
  • To comply with government laws, regulations and legal obligations.
  1. A. To Administer Employment

Pedre Contractors, Ltd. collects information about its employees to manage their work life while employed at Pedre Contractors, Ltd. It is also required to retain this same information on employees for a period of time after an employee leaves the company in order to fulfil continuing legal and business requirements. Information collected to administer employment generally falls into the following areas:

  1.  i. Basic Records

Basic employee information is required to administer an employee’s work life at Pedre Contractors, Ltd. It is used to ensure correct pay, benefit eligibility and contact with the employee. This information is collected during the application, screening, offer of employment and employment stages. The type of information that Pedre Contractors, Ltd. may collect at the time of application is:

  • Full names, phone numbers, current address, past address, length of stay at addresses, education, position applied for, status of position, date available to work, locations desired to work at, industry licences or certificates, drivers abstract information, availability, employment history, specific skills, whether legally entitled to work in Canada, whether the employee has worked at Pedre Contractors, Ltd. in the past, reference information, date of application, applicants signature, interviewer comments, authorization to conduct references, references answers, assessment results.
  • When a candidate is offered a job at Pedre Contractors, Ltd., additional information is recorded which may include information such as but not limited to:
  • Birth date, Social Insurance Number, charges or convictions of any offence under the criminal code of Canada, whether any charge or conviction was related to theft, fraud or robbery, emergency contact information, language, starting date, location, department, position title, status, salary and wage history, bank account information for pay, union related information, employee number, emergency contact information.
  1. ii. Performance

Information collected, used and disclosed regarding performance is used to determine wage and position eligibility, career planning, training, discipline, termination and promotion planning. This record includes:

Performance appraisals, warning records, records of conversations, test and assessment results, absenteeism records, investigations, statements, training and other specific information that is relevant to performance (e.g. personal issues such as birth of a child, death of a relative, doctors notes, etc).

  1. iii. Benefits

In addition to the information captured during the application and offer of employment stages, further details may be required to manage, maintain and pay benefits. This information is also shared with benefits providers such as CLAC, insurance companies, investment firms (for RRSP), benefit administrators, third party claims management, organizations, provincial governments and federal governments. This additional information may include:

Beneficiaries, beneficiary relationship, health plan numbers, spousal participation in other benefit plans, employees’ former names (e.g. in case of name changes and marriage), date of marriage, information on over age dependants (name of education institution or ability level of dependant), citizenship status, diagnosis of illness, names of doctors, other treating practitioner’s names, treatment plans, medication recommendations, third party liability (e.g. ICBC, private insurer), return to work plans, WSBC reporting requirements (injuries, first aid treatment, weight, height, employee and management observations),vacation eligibility and history, bonus day eligibility.

  1. iv. Health & Emergency

In the case of an emergency (employee accident, police request), any of the above information collected may be disclosed to emergency authorities where consent cannot be reasonably obtained, or the delay in obtaining consent may jeopardize your health or the health and safety of others. The information collected by Pedre Contractors, Ltd. may periodically vary from what is outlined above if reasonably necessary to comply with legal obligations or in order to manage the employment relationship.

  1. B. To Comply with Government Law and Regulation & Legal Compliance.

Information is also collected, used, and disclosed as required by various government laws and regulations. Pedre Contractors, Ltd. is required, by law, to comply with these agencies, and when requests are made for personal or employment information. Government information requirements cover much of the information above and are shared with agencies such as Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), Employment Insurance (E.I.), Statistics Canada, provincial health plans, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Provincial authorities responsible for administering government benefits, Provincial Workers Compensation plans and authorities when conducting investigations.

Pedre Contractors, Ltd. may also disclose information when required to do so as part of a legal process or proceeding (e.g. garnishments to pay). Pedre Contractors, Ltd. may require in these cases either a consent authorization form from employees, a subpoena for information or a court order.

Retention of Information

All information listed in this policy is kept for the duration of the employment relationship with Pedre Contractors, Ltd. This forms the historical record of the employment relationship.

When an employee leaves the company, the company may retain all employment information and records for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and as required or otherwise permitted by law. Personal and employment data may be kept longer if an employee has taken legal action against the company or those records are still required for legal or business reasons. In these cases, information will be kept until the legal processes are exhausted or the reason is no longer applicable.

Accuracy of Personal Information

Pedre Contractors, Ltd. makes every effort to ensure the information it collects, uses and discloses is as accurate as possible. However, ensuring accurate data and history is everyone’s responsibility.

  1. A. Management’s responsibility

Management is responsible to correct or update information as it comes to its attention or to direct the employee to correct and update the information. Management must make reasonable efforts to ensure that any record of employee information collected or maintained by Pedre Contractors, Ltd. is included in the employee’s “File of Record – FOR” which resides at the head office.

Management must ensure that only the minimum of information is kept on the employee at the unit level (away from the head office). This information should be primarily contact information and information needed to manage performance.

Management must ensure that all employee information is kept physically secure at all times.

  1. B. Employee responsibility

Employees have a responsibility to ensure that Pedre Contractors, Ltd. has a current, accurate record of the required personal or employment information, as listed in this policy. All employees must take privacy of personal or employment information seriously and should not share his or her own personal information or that of any other person with other employees or third parties, except where necessary to fulfil job functions or where otherwise appropriate in the circumstances. Failure by an employee to meet obligations under this policy may result in disciplinary action, which may include termination for cause.

Consent to the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Information

  1. A. Deemed/ Implied Consent

By providing notice (through this policy or otherwise) of what employment information Pedre Contractors, Ltd. requires and how it will be collected, used or disclosed, in most cases express consent to that collection, use and disclosure will not be required or obtained. Pedre Contractors, Ltd. limits the use of employment information for the purposes described in this policy, or where it is very obvious why the information is required (e.g. past work history is asked for to complete reference checks).

Should a circumstance occur that Pedre Contractors, Ltd. will use information for the purpose not described in this policy, or a circumstance that is not reasonably expected by the employee, Pedre Contractors, Ltd. will obtain express consent from the employee. This consent will generally be requested in writing.

  1. B. Withdrawal of Consent

Employees may withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of their information at any time unless it would frustrate a legal obligation. Withdraw of consent of any information is done in writing by the employee. Pedre Contractors, Ltd. will inform the employee in writing of the likely consequences before the request is agreed to. In certain cases, Pedre Contractors, Ltd. may not be able to comply with a request to withdraw consent, for example, if the information is needed to maintain the terms of employment between Pedre Contractors, Ltd. and an employee.


Pedre Contractors, Ltd. limits access to the personal and/ or employment information of employees to those people who need the information to manage the employee’s ‘work life’ at Pedre Contractors, Ltd.. Information should only be shared on a “need to know” basis.

  1. A. Notice of Disclosure

If a circumstance arises where disclosure of personal or employment information is required outside of normal circumstances, as described in this policy, the company will notify the employee of the disclosure. Reasonable notice will be provided.

Please note: Disclosure of personal and employment information for the purpose of an investigation does not require the company to notify employees of disclosure.

Accessing and Correcting Information

Information can be both accessed and corrected. Procedures are referenced in the PIPA Procedures Document (to be developed).

Care of Information

Pedre Contractors, Ltd. takes a number of steps to ensure the security and privacy of employee information. The file of record (FOR) of employees resides at the head office. Hard copy information is kept in a secure location which may be accessed only by staff and/or management who have approved access and a valid need to access the information requested. Electronic information is kept in files, and are physically secured within Information Technology, as well as secured with passwords. Third party companies who assist Pedre Contractors, Ltd. in managing employees (e.g. Insurance companies, provincial WCB offices, etc.) are also required to keep employee information private and secure.

Providing Work Related References

No reference information will be given to other employers unless Pedre Contractors, Ltd. has express written permission to do so from the former employee.

Please note: For Employment Insurance (E.I.) or other government programs, Pedre Contractors, Ltd. may be required to disclose personal and employment information. Express written permission is not required.

Challenging Compliance

Concerns with the Company’s collection, use or disclosure of personal or employment information, may contact in writing, the General Manager.

Who To Contact at Pedre Contractors, Ltd. Questions about the privacy policy, are directed to:

Attn: Craig Matheos General Manager, Pedre Contractors, Ltd. #101 – 26620 56 Ave Langley, BC V4W 3X5 By telephone: 604-881-2411